Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to…
disconnect to reconnect
Did you notice that I took a break from social media? Maybe you would have if I appeared more regularly or more consistently than I do? It’s been hard and a struggle, especially these past few weeks.
I started my online social media presence in June 2022 and by last month in May 2023, just before the 1-year anniversary, I felt like I needed a break.
The sudden hault was after I challenged myself to do
a live Instagram on my phone
appear live in my private Facebook group on my tablet
and record a video on my laptop
All this at once to document the 20 minute event of me unboxing a printed proof copy of My Book of Books.
I did it because it was an important milestone in my book’s development and I wanted to share my experience seeing it for the first time. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed doing it. It was of fun. But it took a toll on me. All for the best!
Mission impossible?
The stress leading up to the unboxing, the possibility of people watching, and the amount of extraverting I had to put out to do it left me no energy to appear again for a number of weeks after. I felt completely drained. Not only that but I went down the road of imposter syndrome.
I then felt like I needed to reevaluate my mission. It is no coincidence that just after that unboxing I finished reading Feeling Seen by Jody Carrington. Feeling Seen is the most important book since 2017 when I read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert which supported and resulted in the birth of my company and it’s name, Do The Work Books.
After reading, Feeling Seen by a fellow Canadian author, I rediscovered my purpose, redefined my mission in my business/life, and reclaimed a movement that I want to expand going forward.
This is my mission: Disconnect to reconnect.
What I mean by this is simply…Disconnect from tech. Reconnect with a self check.
Together, this is our movement.
Seems impossible? With your help, I think we can achieve it. I don’t mean we have to completely unplug, just quite simply take a pause. A break. A moment even. Reflect on your situation without the need for a digital device or screen right infront of you. Instead use a simple pen and paper. If you need more support invest in a guided journal for encouragement and motivation.
During that limbo period I was in, I rediscovered my mission and truly believe…THIS is what Do The Work Books is all about!
I am also realizing that my personality is a big part of my business. I don’t need to be or appear to be someone else.
At the beginning of my social media campaign I started with labelling myself so my audience would be introduced to the real me. I thought these labels were important. Labels can help identify what we are journeying through.
My labels were:
My naturally introverted nature is a big part of Do The Work Books. When I thought about it, I realized workbooks are for introverts. Workbooks will help you pause, reflect and recharge so you can keep going at your best. If you are not an introvert, then workbooks are for the extraverts too. If you are an extravert a workbook will help you take the time and space to introvert.
I realize that introversion is my power. Without it I could not do what I do so well. I am a deep thinker. I analyze. I reflect. All qualities I believe come naturally to an introvert.
However, I also realize I can’t do this solo, as much as I think I want to. I really don’t want to be in it alone. I like people. I just can’t seem to handle people all at once, in large quantities, or for a long amounts of time! Sticking to myself is my natural default but I do enjoy connecting one on one, with a small group, or with people I feel comfortable with. Being a solopreneur is not my end game. I love the energy of community, inspiration and motivation, but I realize I always need to go back to my introversion to recharge until the next extraverting session!
Lastly, the mom side of me. Mom life is a full-time gig. Work-booking has been my side hustle since 2015. Mommying has been my main work since 2013. I was a mom just before I came to find my passion with the work that I do now. There is no doubt that what I do today is because of my mom status. To mom is to extravert. So to be an introverted mom, well that’s an oxymoron! A mom has to extrovert. All. The. Time. So I relish the time and space I get for journaling. For self reflecting. In simply sitting and quietly thinking. Not doing. Just being.
It’s a constant lesson in my life to do the work. Honestly, I much rather be passively watching the world go by. It’s nice to sit and watch the world but now I realize my big task ahead is to do the work myself. To stand up. Speak up. Share what I believe. Expand my reach with work-booking. I’m here to read, write and do. It’s not easy for me but I think I can do it if I have a community of support, my extroverted side unleashed and with the caring compassion of a mom to support and guide me through it.
Feeling Seen: Reconnecting in a disconnected world
Which brings me back to the Feel Seen book and the question I now ask myself, do I feel seen? Do you feel seen too?
In one of my recent blog posts I shared that a Worksheet Mastermind participant felt “seen”. This was one of the greatest compliments to me. Especially since he was someone I did not know previously, he even lives in another country from me, and was actually the first male to join my private Facebook group!
Everyone, quite simply, wants to be seen. Acknowledged. It’s a crazy busy world out there and for someone else to take even a second to acknowledge you, a simple wave, a genuine glance with a smile, a gesture that reaffirms your existence is a simple way of realizing we are all in this together.
I love hearing people’s stories. Their bittersweet journeys through life are inspiring and hopeful. I think everyone should feel seen, whether they are ready or not.
The Workbook Trifecta
I would love to share part of my story about using a workbook myself and this new concept that I came up with as a result of working through it. It came to me preconceived to my movement realization. This was a big AHA moment for me, considering I have been creating workbooks since 2015 and it is now eight years later that I had experienced, first hand, the power of a workbook. I believe that a workbook was the catalyst of my own transformational and healing journey. I came to a point in my life and I needed to make a choice. I felt like I needed to make this particular choice because I have finally come to know myself. I now understand myself. Unfortunately, this choice was easy to make but difficult to go on living with. So I sought support and found someone I can speak to about it. Low and behold they gave me a workbook to process through the journey that I didn’t even know I needed to take. Obviously I was ecstatic to be given this writing task. After 6 months of journeying through the workbook I realize that my transformation and healing was because of the mind, body and soul connection of this workbook. Here is how I broke it down which in turned helped me pull the pieces of my life back together.
Mind - The workbook allowed me to have a place to put my thoughts down, get a handle of my thinking. It gave me the opportunity for deep thinking and to quiet myself in my own head. Be alone in my feelings and for me to slowly process the scattered noise in my mind.
Body - My hand to paper, head to heart connection was activated. I physically had to write down my thoughts. Not only that but I meet with someone to talk me through the workbook. I spoke out loud, shared, and I know it would be even more impactful to do this as a group in community with others who are also going through the same process.
Soul - Lastly, the workbook helped me to see the big picture. It reaffirmed my purpose in life. It helped shape meaning with what I am doing. My spirit was enlivened. My soul was awakened. I sensed a hire being present, my higher self appeared.
WORK: A Human Activity
I would like to conclude this long rant with one more final thought.
A workbook is for humans (made by humans) to help you feel more human.
Are you stuck on autopilot or glued to tech? Are you feeling disconnected even in this widely, wildly connected world?
Those moments, when you don’t feel human, check in with yourself. Take the time and space to reflect. Write your thoughts down on paper. If it helps, grab a guided journal to support you along the way. This will help you process your journey with your mind, body and soul.
Do. The. Work…with…Books!
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