The Unexpected Lesson from My Book of Books
the back story
The worksheet that started my workbook
In 2019, I opened up a private facebook group to share with a small group how I created a bookmark for an online book club I was part of. We would read books almost every month or so and at the end of the book we would come together on a zoom call to share our breakthroughs. I always found it difficult to share because I could barely remember what I had just read. I could’t decipher my key takeaways or breakthroughs.
I wanted all of us to record our insights and make the most out of our time while reading the book and when we had our zoom calls to discuss the book. Many times, by the time we had our meeting, I forgot about what I read. Sometimes I would take general notes or took too many notes I practically rewritten the entire book! I lost all the key takeaways from what I read. So I came up with a system to help readers support their reading and learning journey of experts authors who have amazing books to apply their knowledge.
Only in my late 30’s did I have an interest and see the real value in reading personal growth and development books. Not being an avid reader for the most of my life, I found it hard to stay motivated and encouraged to read these supportive books. While reading it was hard for me to focus and apply the benefits of what I was spending my valuable time reading and to DO THE WORK.
Since 2015 I helped other authors develop and design workbooks to teach and apply their teaching into tools to DO THE WORK.
So, I set out to design a one page, double-sided worksheet for us all to use.
In turn, this worksheet is what inspired me to hold Worksheet Masterminds session to help others create their own worksheet. After I shared my process of creating the worksheet I asked and offered sessions to anyone else who was interested in creating their own worksheet, regardless of the topic or industry. The Worksheet Mastermind is now my signature workshop because a worksheet is the foundation to create any workbook.
The Workshop that emerged my Workbook
In 2021, two years after starting my Facebook group on holding numerous Worksheet Masterminds, I held my first Workbook Workshop with 2 other active participants to develop and design their workbook. It was a five week program where I would walked them through the Workbook Start-Up Kit.
On the first live session I blurted out that I would also join them in creating my own workbook. It was half unexpected yet the other half of me knew it needed to be done and this session would be the best way I could make it happen. I was literally a product of my own creation. Doing what I was instructing. Being the teacher and the student.
I finally decided right then and their on that live facebook video that it was my time to create my own workbook.
What could my book possibly be about?
Initially, I thought my first workbook would be about creating workbooks, an expanded version of the Start-Up Kit we were working through. But I struggled with the format and wanted to complete a book that was a bit more simpler with repeated journaling pages. I immediately knew my first workbook would be based on the little bookmark pamphlet I created for that book club that I was part of 2 years earlier.
I had my book done all along! I just didn’t see it until the right opportunity presented itself during that live video. During my own mastermind, we all had books ready to be born and every session helped me along in my own journey with accountability, capability and excitability!
Throughout my development and design process, my editor and dear friend, encouraged me to use this book as a way to build a community to share and add even more value to the books’ content. So I added My Book of Books Bonus Boosts to support reader and writers on their journey.
I truly believe, without the support of my mastermind participants and forever friend, this book would not have been possible. Motivation, encouragement and accountability can go along way when you have people who are joining you in the process to make it possible.
WOrksheet to WOrkbook
A worksheet is a good start, but not enough to encourage and support transformation and long lasting change. I expanded the content in my bookmark and allowed more space for creativity, expression and reflection. Noticing connections and becoming aware of what’s happening around you while reading a book is so magical for your own expansive growth. Space for curiosity, exploration and creativity is supportive for processing information.
I ultimately wanted my workbook to be a showcase of what was possible for others. From worksheet. To workbook. To guided journal. By simply repeating pages, adding supportive content, including additional resources a workbook was made to support personal growth and transformation.
Not only do I hope that is supports readers and writer in their journey of self-discovery and personal growth, my hope is that it inspires more people to see the value in workbooks, writing it down, pen to paper - for the mind, body and soul connection.
The Easy part was creating it, the Hard part was Publishing it
Coming up with the idea, that was easy. Figuring out what I wanted in the book, was essentially done from the bookmark. But bringing it out into the world. Developing it for others to see and use, designing the pages for final print and production, marketing it so others would be aware of it…that was hard. I finally realized what all my other authors went through when supporting them with their own workbooks. I have to say, I have so much more appreciation and respect for the journey! I won’t lie, it was a challenge.
Mental resistance. Self doubt. Fear. Yikes!
In 2023, two years after working through the Workbook Start-Up Kit and four years after designing the initial worksheet it was based from, I finally had a workbook to publish! Other projects took priority and my own internal blocks and limiting beliefs held off finishing the book.
It was only until I hired a marketing advisor and accountability partner did I make the leap to workbook idea to workbook reality! I was supported and encouraged to branding it, promoting it and selling it. The continuous support and accountability, that like the time of completing the Workbook Start-Up Kit with my participants, was what enabled me to push forward and finally complete it!
lessons learned creating “My Book of Books”
Lesson #1 - Doing the work is hard.
Whether it is internal work or external work, doing any work is hard. Doing it alone is confusing, stressful and distracting. I had no one but me to keep me on track and when I had other projects that needed or took more priority, my own project got pushed to the side. I was unable to focus and set the time or energy to do the work.
Lesson #2 - Enlist community to ensure capability.
Several times along the journey I had support. When I was working on it alone, those were the times it fell off my radar.
Creating the concept, I had the support of the book club to create the initial product.
Creating the workbook, I had support of the Workbook Workshop in my Facebook Group so I was able to start it.
Creating the copy, I had my dear friend to kick of the writing process.
Creating the marketing, I had support of an advisor and assistant so I was able to brand it and publish it.
This book would not be possible without all these people supporting me. But the time in between is when it got messy prolonged the result.
Lesson #3 - Form an aligned alliance.
Having multiple people to support you is amazing! There is an endless amount of resources available to us, it is incredibly expansive. But also overwhelming. With all that was available to me, what I really needed was a partner. One person to keep me on track throughout. A singular supportive station, a home base, to guide me throughout the entire process. By having an aligned partner that understands your visions and can support the execution is essential for completing any major endeavour.
My Ultimate and Unexpected Lesson…
Even though I had all this support. My family, friends, colleagues, mentors and even my kids to cheer me on…I felt alone. Alone in the journey because I didn’t have one solid form of security and comfort from a trusted partner and reliable witness for the all encompassing expedition of creating and publishing a book.
I absolutely love how organic my business has evolved with one thing leading to the other.
What follows is my dream from the beginning when I started my entrepreneurial journey but didn’t quite know hope to get there. Finally, ironically after the pain of publishing my own book, I see my opportunity to bring my dream to reality!
Create your own journal!
Doing the work as a team is a lot more capable, creative and cheerful! Let’s do the work together to develop and design your own custom branded journal!