Your Path
Before I ask “What is your workbook path?”, let’s move back in time and dive deep.
Think about your life. (Woah…that’s deep!)
Have you ever thought about writing a book? What was your book idea about?
When in your life is their evidence of your greater purpose? Have you done things during your life that has prepared you for what you are doing now or want to be doing in the future?
What are the reasons you are qualified to do the work you do? How are you sharing it with others?
Making these connections are a lot of fun when reflecting on your past and seeing how you are aligned (or not) with your path you are meant to lead.
Find those connections, reasons, coincidences, circumstances that happened in your life that brought you to where you are now.
In my DTWBlog post, My Path, I share my path and the journey that lead me to where I am now. (I skipped a bunch of details but you get the point!) By doing this, I was better able to see where I want to go. I gained clarity, focus and most importantly I know my path will continue and I don’t feel so stuck.
reflect & connect
A guided worksheet to rediscover your path.
So, back to books. 📖
What is the route you are taking to get your book (better yet, a workbook) started!?
Ask yourself…
Do you already have a book?
Do you already have a book but want to increase its value to your audience?
Do you need to upgrade your content in a comprehensive way to achieve better results?
Do you want to engage, promote and expand your readers?
Do you already teaching something?
Do you offer workshops, courses or seminars and want to present and share your knowledge?
Do you want a tangible, effective, and interactive tool for learning?
Do you want to help people with your skill, expertise or service?
Do you want to share your services effectively and give your customers something they can actually use to help them learn?
Do you want to dive straight into creating a workbook?
Do you not have a book but want to start teaching to your audience?
Do you not teach your expertise but want to share with others what you already know?
Which path are you taking?
Turn book into a workbook
Straight into a book
Turn teachings into a workbook
What is your answer?
(Fill in the blank)
Now, let me ask you this,
Do you have any reason or obstacles from stopping you?
What is holding you back from completing your path?
What would make you start your workbook?
Maybe I can help you.